Planning for the future

Hello everyone,
I hope your summer went well and you're braving the recent heat wave as best you can. I wanted to point you to a new form I recently came across that might be of interest. It's called a "Dementia Directive" and discusses how you would want your affairs handled if you became incapacitated. I often tell clients that the likelihood that something tragic happens out of the blue is much more rare than the call that "mom or dad are having memory problems." This reality is unfortunately going to become an issue for many of us. (For those of you who call me expecting that I'll remember your particular case, maybe you're already seeing that I have nowhere near the file recall that my partner Howard Wiggins did)!
I've attached the form hereto for you to review and consider adding to your planning paperwork if you're interested. The idea is that while your standard form powers of attorney allow an Agent to make medical decisions for you in the event of incapacity, this form gives more guidance as to your wishes should you become incapacitated. It is also much more thorough about the realities of memory loss and how it progresses which is important. After all, many of us would prefer different treatments based on how significantly dementia might be affecting our quality of life.
With many people experiencing memory deterioration with age, it might behoove you to consider the questions herein. And if the thought of all of this is too depressing, don't worry about it. Focus on your football team instead!
Take care and let me know if you have any questions.
Jason Ebert